At Villarrazo, we help you to achieve it.

Are you looking to differentiate your company from your competitors?

Give added value to your enterprise or company with the CARBON FOOTPRINT OFFSET CERTIFICATION. We accompany and advise you in the process with our partner. If you want detailed information, please contact us by clicking on the following button


Do you want to know more about why you should get a carbon footprint offset certificate for your company? We tell you all the advantages below

What are the benefits of a carbon footprint offset certificate?

Beyond the social benefit of offsetting your company’s carbon footprint, this activity and its certification brings several benefits to your company

  • Market positioning
  • Better access to foreign markets
  • New customer market niche
  • Added value for investors
  • First Movers, pioneers

Market positioning

Add a differential value to your brand from your competitors. This will make the target audience feel a differentiation in your products or services as well as in your work.

Better access to foreign markets

More and more countries are joining sustainable initiatives and reducing their carbon footprint in order to take care of the planet. Obtaining this certificate will allow your company to be more visible in the foreign market.

New customer market niche

Caring for the planet is a growing concern for a large part of the population. This means that many people are increasingly opting for responsible consumption by choosing sustainable brands. Thanks to the carbon footprint offset certificate, you will introduce your company to a new customer market niche.

Added value for investors

When looking for funding, it is important to present a differential value that makes your company an opportunity for investors. Thanks to the carbon footprint offsetting certificate you will offer your company a futuristic and long-term projection that will be interesting for potential investors.

First Movers, pioneers

The path to carbon neutrality is on governments’ agendas. In fact, it is an essential requirement for large companies and will gradually be extended to the rest. Opting for the voluntary market and getting certified by being first ahead of the competition will set your company apart forever.

How to get the carbon footprint offset certificate for my company?

If you want to get the carbon footprint offset certificate, you must follow the following steps. In Villarrazo, we advise you and accompany you during the process to make it as easy as possible.

  1. Analysis of the company’s carbon emissions.
  2. Calculation of the company’s carbon footprint.
  3. Offsetting the company’s carbon footprint.
  4. Certificate of the offsetting of the company’s carbon footprint

Analysis of the company's carbon emissions

Analysis of the company’s carbon emissions.

The first step is to know which are the activities of the company where CO2 is emitted. And collect all kinds of information from the last year on each of them. Invoices, tickets…

Calculation of the company’s carbon footprint.

Thanks to our partner’s calculator you can compute your company’s direct emissions in total and also for every activity registered in the previous step in order to be able to analyse them separately and reduce them in the future.

Offsetting the company’s carbon footprint.

Once you know your company’s overall emissions, you can carry out different projects to offset the same amount of emissions in order to achieve neutrality.

These projects must have an official certificate in order to be valid.

Certificate of the offsetting of the company’s carbon footprint.

Once the offset has been carried out, our partner will certify the action through the carbon neutrality seal and it will remain valid for the following year.

What types of carbon footprint offset certificates are available for my company?

The carbon footprint offset certificate is unique. There is only a small differentiation.


If the activities and projects carried out offset the exact amount of emissions of the company.


If the projects carried out offset more than the amount of emissions of the company.

What can I use the carbon footprint offset certificate for?

Once you obtain the carbon footprint offset certificate, you will have full availability to use it in any identification of the company, from the packaging of the products, as an identifying seal in any premises or physical installation of the company or in digital identifications such as website, email signature, proposals or corporate presentations.

In addition, this seal will be valid to certify the sustainability of the company in cases of public subsidies, as long as it is required.

What is the carbon footprint?

We can define the carbon footprint as the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by our business as a result of its usual activities and tasks.

It is usually expressed in tonnes of CO2 emitted.

How can I reduce my carbon footprint?

Whether you have offset or simply want to reduce your company’s emissions, it is important to look at different activities in order to reduce your carbon footprint.

Means of transport used both by employees to get to work and the different journeys that members of the company make for business needs.

Energy needed to develop the working life in the company, from the energy needed for production such as lighting, lunch time, etc. At this point it is also important to pay attention to the sources of this energy. In the case of renewables, this would not emit CO2.

Waste from the production activity. Therefore, whenever possible, opt for recycled materials or materials with a low impact on carbon emissions

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